As I was reading Habakkuk during my morning quiet time, I was given some insight I have not considered before. The phrase, ”The more things change, the more they stay the same,'' came to my mind. Jeremiah and Habakkuk were contemporaries living in Judaea just before and during the time when Babylon took them away. While Jeremiah taught that wickedness in God's own people has doomed them, Habakkuk preached about the corruption that had infested the government of their day. His opening verse gives us all we need to know about how evil the government of the Southern tribe of Judah had become.
Ken Graves, the senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Bangor ME, offers up his opinion of the, "Man Scale". Ken's scale has men like Mr Rogers on one end, and men like to Mr T on the other end. His advice to all men is to get on the man scale and be a man. So, are you some place between Mr Rogers and Mr T? If not, then you better look to God through Christ to find out where you are lacking, because God wants all men to be men.
Gospel of Matthew Notes & Outlines
Matthew was one of Jesus' 12 disciples, who's heart was forever changed by a man from Galilee would. This despised tax collector would one day write this Gospel which proves to his fellow Jews, that Jesus is the King of the Jews they were awaiting called the Messiah.
Ruth Notes & Outlines
Please join me in my new study in the book of Ruth.
Ruth is a poignant story of faithless disobedience, that leads to death, sorrow, bitterness, and then loyalty and finally redemption. It's my prayer that you will realize that if an inconspicuous Moabite peasant woman could achieve royalty for her descendants in Israel, then anyone can gain Salvation.
Have you ever wondered how people get from point A to point B? I don't mean in a physical mileage way, but rather an emotional, phycological, and spiritual way. We all take in our surroundings and make decisions based upon the way we see things happening, and the way we feel. Then we get to a certain point in our life when we take an inventory of how we are doing. Sometimes we're relatively satisfied, other times we're disappointed, but do we ever really reflect upon the decisions we made that ultimately got us to point B?
This video clip is from a BBC documentary about fire ants. These ants build a raft out of worker ants in an attempt to save the Queen and the colony during a flood. There amazing instinct to survive show you why they are probably the most dominant life form on earth, withstanding almost any curve ball nature throws at them. Makes you think about the way the capitalist spirit has allowed America to become the most prosperous and successful society the world has ever seen. Throughout our history, we have withstood every curve ball our enemies thrown at us, in their attempts to bring us down. We are one of the youngest nations in the world, yet we are economically the most prosperous and the militarily the mightiest. As America goes, so too does the free world.
Unfortunately, we failed to stop the left from destroying that spirit. Now we are on the brink of becoming just another former great country as the socialists and fascists do all they can to destroy the capitalist nature of this once great country. We can sit back and allow Obama and his Fascist friends destroy that which our ancestors worked and died for, or can take a lesson from the fire ants and refuse to go down without a fight. The choice is ours, and regardless of which way we choose, our descendants will look back at these days and know the time to act was now. I pray they will be able to look back and be as proud of us, as we are of our ancestors who went to battle and defeated America's enemies of the last few centuries.
I created a new chart that lists 23 women from the Scriptures. There are more than 23 women I could cover, but I took the 23 I felt were more recognizable to most Christians. Now, we all know who these women are, and their stories. From Eve to Mary, these women have had as great an impact on mankind as the men. Three, or maybe 4, are not known for their love of the One true GOD, while the others are remembered for their strength and courage in the face of adversity.
Book Review
As someone who has benefited from Mark Atterson's Biblical knowledge, I felt it an honor to write a review on my friends book. Mark spent some years as a teen in the Jehovah Witness church, but found Christ and left the cult many years ago. Mark's understanding of the way cults begin and how they misinterpret Scripture to Satan's benefit, proves he has the credentials needed to recognize how the perspective of fallen man throughout history have twisted the truth of God's Word
Walking In Wisdom
Read daily commentaries on the Book of Proverbs.
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When you open the Bible to read the books of the Prophets, you will notice they are not listed in chronological order. I have stated time and time again that while I believe every Word in the Bible is inspired by the Holy Spirit, I do not believe the divisions of chapters nor verses are inspired. Like the division of chapters and verses, I also do not believe the placement of where all the books themselves are located was inspired.
There are many sordid story's with many shocking facts shared in the Scriptures about God's people. One such story is the twisted account of Judah and his daughter-in-law Tamar? (Genesis 38:7-26) The story of Judah and Tamar is certainly not the most pleasant story in the Bible. In fact, most commentaries on the book of Genesis don’t spend much time on this chapter. After all, the story of Joseph (Genesis chapters 37-38), has a lot more preaching material and great spiritual lessons!
I joined FreeRepublic in February of 1998, shortly after it was created. Twenty four years later I am one of the few original members still contributing to the forum.
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